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Showing posts from December, 2012

(Maybe) Its Called as Indefinitely Love...

Like this (maybe) how I love you... Like as a laughter of kids when playing in the rain Like as a sweet thing that appear in your eyes any time I see your face...divine..simply.. lovely.... Like as a funny uncomplete teeth when you laugh Or a feeling when your palm touch my cheeks... My Sweet Little angel... I miss you.. How are you today What you look alike...What you're doing... I want play in the rain while laugh with you I want dance in the rain while hug you... And I want see you in whatever you do... You... and only you... -One day  when my feeling is growing , when my hope stay higher- Once another time when I remember Face of A little Prince  Someone I have never seen Before -

Guyonan Ala FaceBook :P

Well, this posting just copy paste from facebook in once late nite insomnia that i got some days ago. Enough funny but cant be funny if i change to be english posting. So, i dedicated this to all of My Indonesian readers that come and visit my blog by intention or by accident , hehehe,.. For a nice day in lets get laugh together. ... Ini adalah penyakit-penyakit berbahaya yang menjangkiti wanita. So, bagi para cowok baca baik-baik penyakit berbahaya ini, mungkin pacar/istri/teman/saudara anda mengidapnya, segera temukan obatnya dan get well soon for them :)) 1) Nangisuitis Akibat terlalu sensitif. Gejalanya bibir cemberut, Mata kedap- kedip. Efek sampingnya mata bengkak, saputangan banjir, hidung meler, bawaannya ngurung diri atau terkena penyakit Curhatitis A. Penyakit ini bisa diobati dengan obat Tegaridol, atau OBH ( Obat Berhati Hamba). (2) Curhatitis B Bawaanya pengen nyerocos terus, efek samping rahasia orang bisa bocor, terkena Nangisuitis. Penya...