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Evening was passing away... Night coming with bring cold atmosphere. Maghrib was passed away..Isya will be coming. I sit on the roof of my home... On the sky star has shine wit beautiful shine. Suddenly ...coming in my eyes sillhoutte of someone face. Someone whom I always tell about him in this blog. in here. Someone who i love, more and more. Oh..My God, what happend to me? sometime it become so bad feeling, Too hard, but i must try to passed through this condition.
Rain coming again, not too hard... smell of it bring out every moment with him, bring out every memory about him. How much i love him now, i cant account it, Everytime with him for me become so precious time. Every day, every night and every time when he comes to me. Oh..heart, why do you so weak now? I cant control your heartbeat, I cant control your hurt. Why do you become like this.

Night wind blowing bring cold air, I miss him at the moment. Suddenly, coming to my mind about his first love story, to whom he had been falling in love, to whom he was sad, to whom he was criying alot till his pillow wet. ... :(

He told me, that girl who he love since 2 years, until now. But unfortunately, he have never can to posses her. She had chosen another guy. So sad, when i hear it, My tears come down so hard, but i have never told about it to someone, And now when i remember that story my tears come down again.

God... I want asked You, Am i false? when i hope in my prayer that girl for him, Am i false? when i hope you give her for him? Am i false? when i beg to You give him happiness wit her being eventhough that will be hurting someone else.

God... Till now, i have never complain about anything, I have never complain for Michael case, for My parents case, for my Job case, everything that You had chosen for me in my life i had accepted all with Ikhlash. But in this time, May i beg You give her to my beloved someone. I want his happiness. Am I false, God? when i want only this one? Am I false, God? when i want both of them ll be together in real live? I know he love her so much. :(

God...Please answer my prayer, Only for my beloved one who i loved more than before. Give him who the girl he wants married. Give him happiness in everytime he love that girl. Give him blessing in everytime he got the girl.

Am I false..God? If i beg it to You for his happiness without remember someone else will be hurting. I believe that You are The best Decision Maker, i offer all to You for everything You will give to him. But God... May I beg to You.. at this time please answer my prayer.. Can You send her as blessing in his life? Can You send her as his jeevan saathi? Can You send her as his everlasting love? the last.. I wanna say..Thank You, for his being in my Life. And Thank you for listening me. In the last, I beg to You wit all of my heart... Can You answer my prayer about him? .....


hany_girl1 said…
oh my God that is abig love and a big heart ,i hope u be this girl ,the girl who he loves her all his life,dont be sad love is pain no love without pain, be strong
sAD guY said…
if u prayed for me :'(
pal4all said…
GOD.. I believe that You are The best Decision Maker, i offer all to You for everything You will give to her.
madniman said…
Wow you are back :D Welcome back again.
Unknown said…
after long time i read your blog apu. miss you :(

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