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Living Your Life to the fullest.... it's a reminder for me today or even for us. How are you Reader? #Wish this blog is still reading by anyone hehe. Have a life that's far away from my family, sometime could be so-so. Because when we laugh we cant see their face when we miss them we can't hug them. All we can do just call and video call. and it's tiring me up sometimes.

As usual, I can go home on Eid holidays. Alhamdulillah this year, I got more than 2 weeks for holiday. and that's mean my family times quality times, release tiredness. This holiday, I didn't go home to my hometown, but I went to Blitar. This city is quite cool and I think I fall in love with it. Fresh air and a really peaceful place. The sound of Silence I love the most.

Well, another activity just as usual. This holiday, I visited  Masjid Turen in Blitar and Blitar City's Park.  And here some pictures I took from those places.

A corner in Masjid Turen, 

Masjid Turen

Lahor dam, Blitar

Blitar City Park (Ruang Terbuka Hijau)

Alun-Alun Kota Blitar
-Life never stop till you stop breathing-
Beautiful moments, Beautiful places with Beloved Ones
From me, With Love....


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