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Semangat !!!!!!! :D

Oh, :D i got back pain much, whole of my body feel hurt :s My lovely dearest worksheets, they do it to me.... :( i wanna sleep much but cant... I wanna eat but then feel nausea.. :s hahaha :d how to finish them as soon as possible? whohaaaaa :D Nope, cause day by day, they come like as waves, maybe only by writing this blog i can release little tiredness cause of Them.... Angela, Woke Up ! Stand Up! Open Your eyes.... oh no, dont sleepy now, no no no !!! :D hehe
am getting mad :D well, Good Luck for my self !!! Be focus!!! Semangattttttt!!!!!


madniman said…
I want to know :s what that semangat!!! Mean, it is your identity :D

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