I want to live my life to the absolute fullest
To open my eyes to be all I can be
To travel roads not taken,
to meet faces unknown
To feel the wind,
to touch the stars
I promise to discover myself
To stand tall with greatness
To chase down and catch every dream
This little words is words that i heard from an advertising on TV. Was, i have never mind it at all, and actually i like this advertising because of all children in this video soo cute. but in one of misty night :D when no one at home, i could listen what they said carefully... And those all the words.
Its all about life. And Life is really an adventure. Sometimes Nothing is really still can say something. And a spirit in life, faces that unknow, greatness, the wind, the stars and off course every dream that we built. Its about our purpose. How much we can do for ownself then that will come to us. Indonesian quote said, who planted they will reap.
This is life and life is an adventure. we just need to open our eyes and see the whole life with positif thinking. however the conditions in it.