I was never imagined that i will get this much. It was my longtime longing toward him. Thank You So Much. Even i couldnt tell what i feel today but all because of you. Because of him. The long time longing that i couldnt say. You can always make me smile. And thanks for excellent gift that i got today. And as always these eyes will stay locked to see them many times... What a great Saturday. And again thank you for all...take care and keep fine :)
“There’s one thing I want to say, so I’ll be brave. You were what I wanted. I gave what I gave. I’m not sorry I met you. I’m not sorry it’s over. I’m not sorry there’s nothing to save. Cause Something You left is better than anything i ever had....... ” The Impossible Love I had ever dreamt... Dear You.... You’re probably thinking I’ve forgotten all about you by now, but that’s far from it. I have missed you every waking day and my heart still hurts, but I’m getting better. I continue to smile and still go on without you. I know I have missed you, but I have kept it all inside of me, only for me to know. I still wonder about your doings, how you are, what you’re doing, what we used to talk about, to the laugh in your voice. Just, everything. I miss it all. However, I feel that the parting of us was for the best, because everything happens for a reason. Should destiny put us into a crossing road in the future, that is when I will see you again. Until then, remember this; No mat...