Once upon a time :d A hacker is falling in love to a girl and try to send that girl a letter ....
Dear Angel...
Dear Angel...
If your heart is a system....
I will scan you to know which one port is open. then no doubt when i start to write C:\>nc-l-o-v-e on your heart, but i just have brave to ping behind anonymous proxy. Is this the feeling when falling love ? till make me like as a looser or am i a real looser?
If your heart is a system...
I really want to get benefit from your Vulnerabilities, use PHP Injection then i ll is -la;find / -perm 777 -type d then i could know if in your heart there is a Folder where i can wrote or is there Free Space for me? should i put backdor "Remote Connect-Back Shell" so i just need to wait you connect it. so i wont be like this.
If your heart is a system...
when All my Request accepted by you, then i ll always stay on Bugtraq to know Bug patch and pacth. and i ll take care of your Service to protect you from Crash and i ll become your Firewall. I ll put Porsentry and drive your Error Page to say... "The page cannot be found coz has been Owned by Someone, Get Out!!! " i promisse no Macelinious Program or Hidden service for you coz am so in love with you..
If your heart is a system....
Dont say "You dont have permission to access it" for me, if not i ll put Ping Flood or DDos Attack...oh..no!!! you should to be my savior angel.
If your heart is a System...but you are not. u are my imagine angel that disrupting my System. one day i ll come and tell you that my heart already Infected by Virus that flowing me . No anti virus program can be able to handle it...without you...
With Love...Your heart hacker..
And the lady answer him like this........
To You...
Sorry, i have never use Port Default. And i always use Secure Protocols. so then you wont be able to get Plain Text when you try to do Sniffing and C:\>nc -l -o -v -e that you gave just A Spam.
Although You use Anonymous Proxy, I will Trace you till i found you true IP as a looser that cant be reliable.
Sorry My Bugs Vunerabilities that you found just a Honeypot to trap a looser like you.
My Antivirus succeed to Detect and Remove you as A Trojan. Though you had succeed to put Backdor PHP Shell in my heart, ..... My Server Tomcat just Support jsp. Freespace that only leave a Drive Swap that so important for me and i wont let anyone to stay in it.
Though you had succeed to tether Netcat as "Remote Connect-Back Shell", its useless...My Dad's Proxy wont ever to let me Connected with Stranger.
Sorry.. For Now you just will get "Request Timed Out" from me.. Coz my heart said.. "Sorry, Server in maintenance" I didnt need your caring at all coz my dad arrange my marriage with a PNS (Professional Network Security). Sorry, am just Your "Destination Unreachable" You wont get " You dont have permission to access it" but u ll get reply from me by TTL=never. but just as friend dont hope more Respon from me coz My Admin will suspicious u and will "Block Access" you with classical RUU APP.
You are right, am not a system and i am not your angel.
Source : Just an english version of a article at Ketika Hacker jatuh Cinta, hahaha, i posted here coz i impressed by this humor letter :D hacker is hacker that still as human who has heart :D